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If you wish to express yourself better, become more confident in your ability to take part in discussions with friends, families or locals in France, then join our ongoing 4 week program of spoken and written French. 

Work at your own pace and in your own time, 2 to 5 times - from 5 min to record  your reading to 20/30 min for your writing - a week with a weekly 40 minute one to one conversation with me, Sophie, your French language coach.

"Un café gourmand" is for those who wish to work on their reading, writing, listening, and pronounciation during the week at their own leisure and have a 40 min conversation.  Each "café gourmand" is for 4 continuous weeks. 


Articles: Using the Bien Dire magazine of the month (or a previous one if you wish). Learner to purchase directly on the Bien Dire site.

Ca vous dirait de travailler avec moi?

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How does "Un café gourmand" work?

  •  After your purchased the package, you'll receive two prompts linked to each of the four magazine articles you have chosen: one paragraph to read plus one question linked to a written text.

  • Then, you’ll record one audio and one written answer, and send them to us. We’ll identify your strengths, weaknesses and recurring errors and deliver feedback so that you can do your own corrections. 

  • Afterwards, you can send a revised versions per audio/written text, right up until the day before your new set of prompts are due. We'll correct the last mistakes.

  • Once a week, we'll meet one-to-one for a 40 minutes discussion in French about your weekly topic, and you’ll be supported in your areas of development.

What are the benefits?

  • Speaking - You’ll create a speaking habit. By speaking  French almost every day, you’ll notice your fluency and spontaneity improve, whilst developing your use of tenses and sentences. 

  • Vocabulary - You’ll grow your word power. Always use the same words? By adding 10-20 (or more!) new words per week, you’ll soon be trying different ones in both written and spoken French. 

  • Confidence - You’ll become fearless. By using French each day, you’ll feel less daunted and more relaxed about communicating.

  • Motivation - You’ll be eager to speak. With our fun, creative and engaging topics, you won’t get bored. And we’ll even ask you to submit up to five areas of interest when you get started. 

Who is it for?

This program is perfect for French language learners who:

  • Have reached a lower intermediate (A2/B1) or lower advanced level of French and want to focus on speaking, and enjoy bespoke learning.

  • Possess a good understanding of French grammar (even if mistakes are made) and have a decent vocabulary.

  • Want to become more independent in their French learning practice but need some accountability, motivation and support.

  • Can practice French a couple of times a week (or more!) from 5 mins 20/30 minutes + can fit a 40 min Zoom call. It’s self-designed and flexible. 


It may not be suitable if:

  • You’re a total beginner and need to start from scratch.

  • You aren’t ready to put the time in each week.

  • You’re looking for traditional grammar-heavy lessons. 

  • You’re expecting a zero-effort magic formula.

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